Carrying Less than 3 to 6 6 to 12 1 to 5 Over 5 Non interest
amount On demand 3 months months months years years bearing
MUR'000 MUR'000 MUR'000 MUR'000 MUR'000 MUR'000 MUR'000 MUR'000
Cash and cash equivalents 69,032,249 21,120,072 39,371,542 - - - - 8,540,635
Due from banks 11,132,738 - 3,023,747 4,587,624 3,521,367 - - -
Loans and advances to banks 5,245,927 - 325,684 1,198,553 999,960 2,721,730 - -
Loans and advances to customers 23,043,922 132,554 7,458,705 696,077 1,129,580 7,780,347 5,846,659 -
Debt instruments measured at amortised cost 46,612,747 - 18,946,389 9,060,846 4,863,620 11,388,909 2,352,983 -
Other assets (excluding prepayments, accrued income and inventory)
2,211,795 2,210,873 69 853 - - - -
Total assets 157,279,378 23,463,499 69,126,136 15,543,953 10,514,527 21,890,986 8,199,642 8,540,635
Due to banks 13,252 6,875 - - 6,377 - - -
Deposits from banks 96,365 80,611 - - - - - 15,754
Deposits from customers 150,850,619 7,801,438 17,258,333 5,441,704 6,645,071 6,993,611 133,944 106,576,518
Total liabilities 150,960,236 7,888,924 17,258,333 5,441,704 6,651,448 6,993,611 133,944 106,592,272
Total interest sensitivity gap 6,319,142 15,574,575 51,867,803 10,102,249 3,863,079 14,897,375 8,065,698 (98,051,637)
THE BANK 2,019
Carrying Less than 3 to 6 6 to 12 1 to 5 Over 5 Non interest
amount On demand 3 months months months years years bearing
MUR'000 MUR'000 MUR'000 MUR'000 MUR'000 MUR'000 MUR'000 MUR'000
Cash and cash equivalents 50,698,992 15,189,522 33,808,173 - - - - 1,701,297
Due from banks 12,967,930 - 4,840,807 4,822,090 2,797,852 507,181 - -
Loans and advances to banks 6,019,048 - 925,600 2,320,192 374,554 2,398,702 - -
Loans and advances to customers 22,150,196 100,808 6,910,096 397,799 1,179,629 8,561,002 5,000,862 -
Debt instruments measured at amortised cost 36,884,143 - 11,721,302 7,503,269 7,175,226 8,855,045 1,629,301 -
Other assets (excluding prepayments, accrued income and inventory)
1,991,181 - - - 125,346 - - 1,865,835
Total assets 130,711,490 15,290,330 58,205,978 15,043,350 11,652,607 20,321,930 6,630,163 3,567,132
Due to banks 30,434 647 - - 18,557 11,230 - -
Deposits from banks 14,106 14,106 - - - - - -
Deposits from customers 131,194,259 25,825,878 18,473,252 4,680,838 6,769,088 7,185,195 102,398 68,157,610
Debts issued 184,205 - - 184,205 - - - -
Total liabilities 131,423,004 25,840,631 18,473,252 4,865,043 6,787,645 7,196,425 102,398 68,157,610
Total interest sensitivity gap (711,514) (10,550,301) 39,732,726 10,178,307 4,864,962 13,125,505 6,527,765 (64,590,478)